Collecting jigsaws.
Many people around the world love collecting jigsaws. They do this for different reasons and at different stages in their lives.
Some collectors collect the jigsaws and never do them. In fact, some never even open the pack.
Here are some stories about collecting jigsaws we have seen in our years of selling these fun and healthy items:
Collecting to make. These collectors make the jigsaws they collect. Each one is a challenge. Once completed, they usually phonograph it and put it away for ano9ther time. Some frame the jigsaw and hand it on the wall – as a keepsake for long term.
Collecting from travels. Some collect jigsaws with images of places they have visited. The jigsaw collection is like a travel diary, something of a wonderful and unique travel keepsake collection.
Collecting animals you love. There are many jigsaws of animal species. People who like particular animals collect all then jigsaws they can find for that animal. For example, if you love cats there are many different jigsaws that feature images of cats.
Collecting by size. Some collectors like to collect jigsaws by size of puzzle. They may start with a 500 piece. Then they get a 1,000 piece. Then a 1,500 piece and so on. So they build their collection by size – bigger and bigger until it becomes a size obsession.
Collecting by licence. There are many ranges of jigsaws based on movie and other licences. For example, there are plenty of jigsaws of Marvel movies, even many more for Disney moves. It is easy to build big and wonderful collections of these.
Collecting for the family. We know of families that buy a jigsaw each season and keep it as a memory of fun they had through the season. Some write notes on the boxes, others take photos and store them with the jigsaws. These ideas make for wonderful memories.
No matter how you collect or what you collect jigsaws are wonderful to collect. They bring hours of joy to individuals, families and workplaces. They are wonderful gifts as well as perfect for you to buy for yourself.
Plus, they are healthy. Some medical researchers say that doing jigsaws can add to your life. They can certainly make your brain healthier and that has to be a good thing.
Here, we love jigsaws and the fun and fulfilment they provide.